Downtown Houghton Social District - LoHo Lounge

How it Works
So•cial Dis•trict \ˈsōSH(ə)l ˈdistrik(t)\ noun
- a: a new area in Downtown Houghton where the patrons of qualified licensees may consume alcoholic liquor (beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, spirits, or mixed drinks/cocktails) in the commons area.
- b: a really fun place to spend quality time with great people.
- Those 21 years + can order their favorite beverage in a Social District cup at participating establishment.
- Exit the establishment and enjoy your beverage within the Consumption Area boundaries (see map).
- Be respectful of our downtown area and dispose of your Social District Cup when empty. Each cup is one time use.
- Hours of Operation: Noon-11 PM, 7 days a week.
Social District Information for the Public
- Buy your drink from a participating business
- Tip the bartenders/servers
- Sip in the designated Consumption Area
- Properly dispose of your cup
- Enjoy responsibly
Do Not
- Bring your Social District drink into another business
- Go outside the designated consumption area with your Social District drink
- Share your drink with a minor
- Bring your own alcohol into the Social District.
Participating Establishments
- The Den- 210 Shelden Avenue
- Ambassador Restaurant- 126 Shelden Avenue
- Keweenaw Brewing Company- 408 Shelden Avenue
Social District Information for Participating Businesses
How can my business participate?
Any business with an active on-premises liquor licenses located within the Downtown Houghton Social District is eligible to participate, though not required. To participate, please fill out this application. Page 3 of the application needs to be filled out by the City of Houghton.
Please call or email Amy at
What will my business need to do?
- Fill out the application linked above (and submit to LARA).
- Display signage saying that you are a participating business of the Social District.
- Attend a brief informational training on the rules and regulations.
- Use 16 ounce disposable, one time use cups. No larger sizes. These can be purchased from whichever distributor you use.
- Place the Social District sticker on the 16 ounce cup and identify it as being from your business (with a pen or sharpie). These are branded for the district and are available from the City of Houghton for a nominal fee.
- Please email Amy at
What will my responsibilities be?
Businesses who are participating in the Downtown Social District will have all the same responsibilities that any liquor serving business does, with the addition of:
- Ensuring the beverage is served in the appropriate cup, with appropriate sticker.